About Us

Trim Fat Build Muscle is a site to help out any individuals men or women who want to learn about building muscle and burning fat. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced lifter, we provide great information to get fast results and most of these so called fitness gurus do not teach. We made so much research and studied bodybuilding including fat loss. These fitness celebrity stars are paid to endorse muscle building programs and supplements just to make easy cash from customers and give false information, that’s where we come in to expose the lies of these fake fitness gurus. The reason why they don’t want anyone to know the truth about fitness is because they want people to buy their products and magazines with very little information in getting results and they don’t want anyone to know the truth about fitness. We are really mad about this and want everyone to get results. We cut through straight to the point and we do not give false claims and lies like all of the muscle fitness magazines and most of the fitness celebrity stars.

We have connected with a couple of real fitness gurus who actually want to teach every single one of you to get great results and have success. We are here so you don’t have to go on google and youtube to research 1,000 s of articles and videos that will give you half the information we provide on this site. As of today, that is going to end and this site will be the last stop for your researching. Now let’s have some fun and build muscle and burn that fat off.

This site is full of real ways of building muscle and burning fat. This site is for informational purposes only, we do not promise any guarantee with the information we provide. We are not responsible for any injuries caused by the information we provided. Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.